Keen for the fine print?

Official Rules


  • The competitor’s entry in the competition is deemed to signify acceptance of all conditions and rules of this contest.
  • All Victorian boating regulations must be abided by, including 5 knot zones
  • All prizes are non-transferable, non-refundable and must be picked up from Cafe 501.
  • It is clearly understood that the entry is accepted on the condition that any person or persons participating in the contest do so at their own sole risk and any such person shall NOT claim against the JCMHP Charity Committee, or any official or servant or other persons appointed by or acting on behalf of the said organizers or in connection with the contest for any injuries or loss suffered by himself or herself or any other person to by any act omission or negligence on the part of the committee or any other sponsors or official servants.
  • Every entrant taking part in the contest shall indemnify the said Committee or other sponsors and the official servants and the other persons aforesaid against the claim by any other entrant or person whosoever or howsoever
  • The organizers may at any time before the commencement or during the contest, refuse to accept and/or reject entry without assigning any reason thereof and without being in any way whatsoever liable to any person whatsoever for doing so.
  • Participants will be bound by the regulations governing the contest.
  • JCMHP Charity Committee reserves the right to cancel the competition at any time should adverse weather or other emergency conditions
  • Unruly conduct including bad language or threatening towards any JCMHP Charity Committee member or volunteer will not be tolerated. This conduct may incur immediate disqualification from the Lake Eildon Fishing Challenge Competition at the discretion of the President or committee member.
  • The organizer, or any person acting as an official at any time may:
    • Inspect registered competitors, rods, reels, bait and fishing lines
    • Instruct any competitor to conform to any or all the rules described herein
    • Direct that competitors surrender their brag mat


  • All Angling will be on Lake Eildon as defined by Goulburn Murray Water. Any anglers attempting to submit a fish caught in the Eildon Pondage, Lake Nillahcootie, The Goulburn River or any other waterway will be disqualified.
  • Each competitor must adhere to Victorian Fishing regulations.
  • Fish eligible for a prize MUST BE LANDED by the registered Brag Mat holder, on their own fishing rod.
  • Junior Anglers are able to have help landing a fish but must be present and holding rod at time of landing fish.
  • No European Carp, Goldfish, dead or alive, are permitted as bait, as required by law. European Carp of any size MUST NOT be returned to the water.
  • All native fish, including Murray Cod and Golden Perch must be returned to the water in an orderly fashion prior once a photo on the brag mat has been taken,
  • Trout, Redfin and Roach may be returned to the water at anglers discretion, however any photo of a Redfin or Trout must be taken prior to killing the fish.
  • It is recommended that a photo on the brag mat be taken for ALL fish caught.
  • There is no minimum size limit on fish to be entered, however it is advised that all fish be handled with due care.


The competitor will place the fish onto the current competition Brag Mat and a photograph is to be taken that accurately measures the length of the fish. Please ensure all fish are measured with the nose of the fish on the 0cm.

  • Any photos of a dead fish will not be accepted.
  • Any photos showing a poorly mishandled fish will not be accepted. (IE. Murray Cod with broken jaw).
  • To enter a photo of a fish, entrants can email the photo to OR bring a photo in person to the registration desk inside competition hours OR send a photo via text message to 0400 919 962
  • All photos must be sent or witnessed during competition hours. No entries will be accepted outside of these times
  • The categories are subject to change depending on entries.
  • Junior entrants will need to take a photo of their fish on their guardian’s Brag Mat..


  • Any fish is eligible for one prize
  • In the best interests of the competition, anglers are only eligible for 1 major prize per category (ie. Can not take out 1st, 2nd and 3rd of the same category). All fish registered are eligible for raffle prizes.
  • The chief referee may disqualify any fish for reasons such as: fish was not landed by the angler who holds the Brag Mat; was tethered or imported from another waterway
  • If an angler is disqualified for breeching of the rules, the entrance fee will not be refunded.
  • Protests must be lodged personally to the referee table no later than 11.30 am, local Jerusalem Creek time, on the Sunday of the competition.
  • No Brag Mats will be handed out before 2pm Friday,
  • A Victorian Recreational Fishing License is required, by law, for all Anglers aged 18 or over, except where specific exemptions apply.
  • In the event that 2 fish of the same size are caught and entered, the fish entered first takes priority. (Ie. Two 65cm Murray Cod are caught, and 65cm is the longest, the fish that was entered first will win 1st place)
  • Current Victorian Recreational Fishing Licenses must be presented by all anglers aged over 18 during the sign in conducted at Jerusalem Creek

Camping Regulations

  • A limited number of camp sites will be made available at the Jerusalem Creek Marina and Holiday Park for Thursday, Friday and Saturday night.
  • All park regulations must be abided by.
  • Failure to comply with signs, or co-operate with fishing competition officials may render contestants liable to disqualification, without refund of entry
  • An up-to-date plan of camping areas will be available from Cafe 501
  • All noise, including music, is to be kept at a minimum between 10pm and 6am. Event organizers reserve the right to ask campers to leave the camp site if noise rules are not adhered to. Unless stated by an official, anyone removed from the camp site will also be disqualified from the competition.
  • Garbage containers are supplied. All rubbish is to be placed in bins.
  • All camp fires must adhere to Country Fire Authority regulations and Jerusalem Creek Marina and Holiday Park rules.
  • Any campers found to be stealing or planning to steal the communal fire pits will be disqualified and subsequently black listed from Jerusalem Creek Marina and Holiday Park and ALL FUTURE LAKE EILDON FISHING CHALLENGE EVENTS!

Time of Contest

  • The Fishing contest will be held between Friday 2PM to Sunday 11AM, with presentation taking place at 12PM at Cafe 501 at Jerusalem Creek Marina and Holiday Park.
  • Any competitor found to have “pre-fished” or tethered a fish will be disqualified.

Advertising Errors & Omissions

  • In the event of any advertisement or publication printed by the JCMHP Charity We assume no liability for any errors published. CONTRAVENTION OF ANY RULE OR REGULATION SHALL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION.


Personal Information collected by the JCMHP Charity Committee is used for the purpose of the Lake Eildon Fishing Challenge Competition. Including but not necessarily limited to fish tracking, publication of prize winners and competition mail outs. Your personal information will not be given to any other organizations except where required by

You've read the rules.

Ready to enter the competition?